Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why am I fat?

I do not understand. As much as I can not get weight loss effort. I stopped eating cakes, butter, jam, fried and fatty foods, I tasted sugar, sodas take either ... then ... why am I still fat? An easy answer to the question is: if you have decreased energy intake in the diet, it is still higher than the daily expenditure. Of course, this response is of little help, then, implies that there is no solution. If I'm doing everything I can ... (you might think) ... I can not do anything else. But there is something you can do. The solution to the problem is not only on decreasing energy intake we must also increase, through physical exercise, daily energy expenditure. Knowing how our body manages energy will help us understand our need to exercise. Where does our body energy?

The body gets energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the food provided. During digestion the food we eat is broken down into simple elements that can be assimilated by the cells. Carbohydrates are converted into sugars, proteins into amino acids, and fats into triglycerides. These compounds are the nutrients that our body cells use to produce energy or for the construction and regeneration of tissues. The digestive system, nutrients pass into the circulatory system to be transported throughout the body. And through the blood vessels are left, finally available to the cells. How is energy? The main source of energy is sugar and triglyceride content in the blood, but can also be obtained energy from amino acids. The metabolic system is commissioned to transform these nutrients into energy. We may liken these nutrients to fuel the metabolic system used to produce energy. All three produce energy, but differently. Sugar produces energy quickly but short-lived, the triglycerides are slower but provide more energy for longer, the amino acids must be converted into sugars to obtain from them energy.

When we eat, blood sugar and triglycerides, increase. But the amount of these nutrients that may contain blood is limited, so that when they reach a certain level are extracted and stored, to be introduced again when levels drop, that way they remain within acceptable levels. Where is energy stored?

To meet energy demand, the metabolic system, you need to dispose of these compounds in sufficient quantities. Where are they stored? 1). To cope with daily activities are stored sugars and triglycerides in the liver. 2). To respond to moments of intense activity, sugars and proteins are stored in the muscles. 3). For if there were periods of scarcity, fat is stored in tanks located in different parts of the body. As seen, the ability of our body to store energy is very large, which indicates that it is prepared to withstand a lot of activity. However, the activity of some people is so low that only consume the "fuel" available in the blood at specific times might make use of the reserves of sugar, but rarely of stored fat. Why accumulate fat?

Why does our body fat accumulates when not needed? This is because our body is designed to detect any signs that say (or seem to indicate) a period of food shortages. Instead, it appears that it is contemplating never be used reserves. For example: There are sensors that detect both the stomach "quantity" of food we eat as the "time" passing between food intakes. If we eat too much for a while and then spent a few days eating little or eat too often and then we skip some meals, the center that processes these "signs" will play a shortage, and give orders to store fat when possible. There is no evidence that there are sensors that detect the amount of fat stored, so that whenever you give such circumstances, but have a large reserve, continued to accumulate fat. (More information in the article "Mechanism of hunger and appetite") This is the reason why most diets do not work. By decreasing the amount or frequency of food intake, get thin for a while. But our body interprets it as a period of scarcity, so that when we stop the diet, regain lost weight.

Why is it necessary to exercise?

Exercise is what allows us to burn stored fat without decreasing the quantity and frequency of food intake. Although not do much if we do not in sufficient quantity and with the necessary intensity. And if not accompanied by a balanced diet and healthy habits. (For more information read the series of articles "cultivate good eating habits") Logically, if we exercise binge eating, then we will achieve nothing. The premise for weight loss remains the same as mentioned at the beginning: to provide, with the diet, the less energy than they expend. (Or what is the same: spend, through exercise, more energy we bring to the diet). If we keep our diet, and increase energy expenditure through exercise, we will lose the fat. Moreover, our body, seeing no shortage of food, you will not see the need to store fat. More

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