Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Road To The reliability of the license plate readers

The technology license plate recognition systems take years to fully operational, although this has not prevented further development to achieve new breakthroughs that bring the system to perfection, some of them and most important have been obtained in the recent times. The license plate readers are an application for computer surveillance, which can operate both autonomously and integrated into a platform for existing access control. Until recently, the computer vision application was against having to work with an uncontrolled environment, where lighting and weather played a decisive role in them less reliable. The problems began to surface when the camera was placed outside to detect and recognize the license plates. And factors affecting reliability were subtracted the difference between lighting installations, including vials of each installation and at different times of day of each vial of each facility, as well as different sizes and positions of enrollment in the image and all the variety of font, size, orientation and even the state of conservation of these.

However, these weaknesses have gradually been refined thanks to R & D, which has meant that there is now a new generation of license plate readers are not affected by external factors and remains reliable in 99% regardless is the brightness of the place where the viewer is located. These new developments, which are already integrated into the vast majority of new models being manufactured today, make a license plate recognition of the most effective in the important field of security known as access control.

Recognition systems matrículasllevan out a process divided into a series of distinct phases to recognize a license plate. First is the location, a phase in which the viewer is left-registration and ready for the next step. Once the image has, advances to the second phase, which involves separating the different characters to complete the last phase, in which the reader applies a recognition process on each of the numbers, letters and symbols that have previously isolated. The progress of the process is conditioned by the success or failure of each of its phases, ie each phase depends on the previous one, so that one of the keys to a license plate reader get a high percentage of reliability is to ensure maximum effectiveness in each of the three phases.

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