Monday, July 16, 2012

Definitive treatment for Controlling Premature Ejaculation

The treatment of premature ejaculation should not be surgical in nature. There are natural ways that provide an immediate improvement. In addition, the surgery requires a lot of time to recover, and may have side effects besides pain that you feel once the anesthesia wears off.

Here are a natural way on how to control premature ejaculation, a treatment that should not cost an arm and a leg:

1) Mind Control

Keep thoughts of happiness - The trick here is to keep your mind on a different level especially when you feel you are about to ejaculate. Do not panic when you feel the time has come. This can be learned through weeks of practice. I'll expicare more detail below.

2) Know your hormones by the food you eat

Adjust the amount of hormones in your body is key in treating premature ejaculation. You've probably heard that shellfish such as mussels, oysters and clams are famous for is said to provide a hormonal boost that keeps you wanting all the night. As a tip, be sure not to eat too much seafood as they are about to make love.

Another tip, try to reduce the consumption of junk food because it can affect the strength of your erection because of the artificial components of these foods. What do you have? A hard penis erupts or a flaccid penis is fired at a hot night forever?

Natural treatments to help you regain control over ejaculation, as it will be able to measure the time before ejaculation. Making love is not a race it is to feel special emotions with your partner in a timely manner.

Breathe calmly and control your senses to achieve an amazing orgasm. Try these treatments before you buy creams or devices. But I recommend having a complete guide that teaches you step by step how to do each exercise safely and effectively visit my website

How to Control Premature Ejaculation.


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