Thursday, July 26, 2012

First month of pregnancy, week by week

Some women may have small hemorrhages in the course of this first month, bleeding losses than the usual rules. These losses are usually caused by the implantation of the egg in the uterus.

If you find your home pregnancy test, it would be more appropriate to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist, inform you of the care that you have in this first stage, and prescribe folic acid, this way you can win something time for the election of an obstetrician who will assist you throughout your pregnancy, if you have not chosen.

Weeks of your first month of embarazoSemana 1TU fertilized egg (reached by a sperm) is divided for the first time only 1 day after having been fertilized. The division continues the next few days and form a ball called a blastocyst, that in the first 4 days can have more than 100 cells. At 5 days, they begin to separate into 2 groups. The group of cells form the outer ring will host placenta to your baby. The cells of the inner ring will become the embryo itself. These inner cells are called stem cells, which have the extraordinary ability to transform into more than 200 kinds of cells in any part of the body (which is why they are so interesting to investigate treatment of certain diseases).

With 7 days, the fertilized egg down the fallopian tube and reaches the uterus, their refuge in the next 9 months.

It has been over a week after conception, but until you have the first failure in the rule, not know anything about your pregnancy. Although, I must say, there are moms who notice hormonal changes right away. Either way, you're pregnant.

2The week pregnancy is measured in weeks from the last period, but the baby was conceived before. From week 2 of pregnancy, develops what is called an embryo, which is basically a head, a trunk and a curly tail. The first weeks of pregnancy are very important because, although it is still an embryo begins to develop the foundations of what will be its organs, and nervous system features.

Are two small eye sockets and the formation of their ears and their eyes come at an early stage. In addition, it becomes hollow for bones, muscles, kidneys, lungs, intestines and digestive system. It also begins to develop the neural tube, a tube without skin bare bones will become the brain, spinal cord and the system nerve and spinal cord.

The placenta, which is the body that will nourish the baby in the next nine months, also begins to form. Your blood volume increases by 50% to meet demand for oxygen in the fetus growing inside you. Inside your body, you create a world safe for your little one can grow, protected from the outside world, huddled.

Week 3Using only 3 weeks of pregnancy, the heart is a group of dormant muscle cells, diminutive, but above the 22-day exploits of life. A cell is contracted spontaneously spread to its neighbors and starts a chain reaction until all the cells of the heart begin to beat. Is not it awesome? It's as if some encourage others to dance! These cells are programmed to control latiditos the baby until the brain takes over in the coming weeks.

For now, the heart will distribute the food and oxygen to the embryo needs to grow. unborn baby's heart beats and and does so with an average of 150 beats per minute. Almost twice as an adult! Anyway, you can not hear your heartbeat until about 12 weeks and you'll have to do with the auscultator used by doctors, special equipment and check on the first ultrasound. Only after 27 weeks who support you might hear in your abdomen.

4The week embryo at week 4 of pregnancy is about the size of an apple seed and grow one millimeter a day. His eyes begin to distinguish themselves as two black dots.

Begin to develop small bumps that later form his arms and legs.

Moreover, in the fourth week will be layers of tissue that form the face of your baby. His tiny heart, now formed by a single camera, going faster.

5Al first week, the embryo is so small that it could only be seen with a microscope. However, during these 5 weeks pregnant 40 multiplied by the measure.

The baby will be unique. Your pregnancy has begun by the fusion of an egg and sperm, each with its own DNA. This binding forms a series of all 46 chromosomes that determine inherited characteristics of the baby: gender, build, hair, eye color, skin color, features of his face and some personality traits. Your DNA determines its development during the 40 weeks of pregnancy and throughout his life

Tips extremely important to choose the obstetrician, if you have not chosen as programming would be appropriate for some queries fences until you feel comfortable with one, so you have to track your pregnancy from the start that you will choose to give birth to your child.

While it is true that with a month of pregnancy your lifestyle does not change much, yes you should be aware of your new state and try to avoid certain behaviors. You should avoid mandatory, for example, from taking any medication without medical clearance, because during this period the embryo is particularly receptive to any chemical.

You can eat almost everything, but without boots: reasonable quantities. Much attention to the poorly washed salad or undercooked meats, due to toxoplasmosis. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and if you smoke, reduce your intake to a minimum. Even if you smoke, it is best to leave off. ConciƩnciate it. Finally, unless otherwise indicated your gynecologist, you can continue to live the same sex you had before you were pregnant.

More information, especially your pregnancy, FAQs, breastfeeding, babies and more, click here to go to our website:

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