Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Seduce Women With Your Body Language

According to studies from 67% to 93% of human communication is nonverbal, and your body language reveals your internal emotional state. If you just lost your job or I'll leave your girlfriend, your body language can easily delatarte.

So to seduce women, you should be aware of what you are communicating nonverbally.

John Alexander's guide to seduce a woman is a guide that I highly recommend it, definitely changed my perspective on women and what is to seduce women, this guide talks a lot about body language, it is one of the most effective weapon to seduce woman.

This is a tool that is at the sight and reach of anyone, but unfortunately many men overlook.

The body language to seduce women is as follows:

Your movements. Should be indifferent, as if you were someone very successful for rarely have reason to hurry or have to impress anyone.

The movement of your body. To seduce women one of the things you should change your body language is the movement of your arms and legs, should occupy its place. Do not be afraid to take your space. Your voice. You must have a voice quiet, relaxing, and a dominant effect to seduce women. Do not speak too quickly or change the tone of your voice. Tucara. Keep your facial muscles relaxed. One of the keys to seduce a woman is never slack jaw, and rarely frown or wrinkle the forehead, the women are set much in the facial expressions of a man. The hombros.Mantenlos relaxed. Do not tense up or keep raised as if you were a nervous person.

I would even say that body language is more important than anything you say, because if your body language does not match what you say, then you will not succeed to seduce woman and you really false.

I have seduced women just by using my body language. For example, a couple of months ago I was in a cafe I frequent, lounging on the couch, with arms outstretched, feet on the table.

The mindset I had was so comfortable I felt like I was at home resting on my own couch. It was as if I were the owner of the coffee.

The net result was that a woman sat beside me with a book and started talking to me.

(Whenever an attractive girl you do not know starts a random conversation with you, you should always assume that she is attracted to you. This is because women generally will not risk the whole dynamic between men and women, especially with a stranger, unless they feel attraction.)

The conversation went on for a while, I got your number, the call that night, and days later we met again and after several hours I went with her to her house, where I spent the night. (At last, we had sex in the morning.)

The conclusion is that to seduce women at first must have a good body language.

And all this I learned in this great guide, definitely not so blind as those who will not see, I at first did not want to believe, but I took a chance, download this guide and within a month, I learned, what I began to apply and things started out well.

But make no mistake about it ... if your body language conveys confidence, then your mood will also move to a more confident. And have you ever noticed that when you walk with confidence, feel more optimistic?

By contrast, when you walk with your eyes looking down and shuffling walk, you will feel depressed. So your mindset also follows the body language that you adopt.

So, in conclusion, it is an alpha male with your mindset and your body language.

Being in a woman's personal space and be sexual and show interest in it, but yet not needy or desperate to see you for your attention. Just get comfortable and enjoy, is the secret to seducing women.

And when your body language conveys that, it means you'll be comfortable and enjoy yourself and the woman who is on your side.

Learn more techniques to seduce a woman is an easier task for you. login to my website and download 10 tips to seduce a woman, written by Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo and other experts.

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