Monday, July 30, 2012

Men Against Women In Auto Insurance Rates

For car insurance, men and women have more to biological differences, because according to statistics, young men tend to drive faster, not wearing seat belts and car expose to a reckless driving that women. That is why we have to pay more in premiums to the insurer. What can you do about it? Maybe I can help understand some points.

Typically, young men between the ages of 16 and 25 have to pay more for car insurance than women of the same age, even when driving the same car model and have the same coverage. There is some gender bias that makes people pay more money for the same auto insurance.

The men drive more, and as teenagers do more reckless. His reckless driving and sometimes funny, often end in crashes. Accidents mean less money for car insurance and they will want to recover the hundreds of dollars through car insurance premiums higher.

Good news on car insurance? Yes, when a male driver turns 25 years, auto insurance rates down. As you age, you may earn more experience on the road. Statistics may change and auto insurance rates down someday.

Also, if you marry, your rates will fall to the ground. Once again, the statistics say that married men are more quiet and drive more carefully.

However, women are they current? Today there are more women drivers 40 years and their accidents are on the increase statistically. The auto insurance companies are based on statistics and as they change, it is expected that car insurance rates too.

With information from Marlene Pineda

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