Friday, August 3, 2012
Why We Collect feces Our Dogs
Tradition says that stepping on a dog poop brings good luck, well, the first day of this year when we went out to walk our four-legged friends, we step on one. We hope it is true because, regardless of tradition, is a truly disgusting.
For reasons not yet understand some dog owners have a "healthy" habit of not picking up after their pets. With so little convincing reasons as to serve as "natural manure." Contrary to the erroneous idea of "organic fertilizer", the reality is a considerable affection for our health by the amount of diseases that can spread droppings our dogs, our pets and, through the food chain, the human beings themselves.
As an introduction to the behavior of our dogs, we recall that the current races, according to researchers from the Universidadde California, Los ANGELES, studies led by Professor Robert Wayner, comparing the mitochondrial DNA of 162 wolves in 77 families from all canine the world as well as 140 domestic dogs representing 27 different breeds, results have been obtained as their DNA sequences are nearly identical (99.8%) and therefore it is plausible to think that could fall on them, as well as certain adaptive behaviors of canis lupus, wolf, canis could be extrapolated to familiaris, our dog. Dogs, like other hierarchical social animals, they develop mental maps of the territory to orient themselves and present credentials of possession to the other clans. These signals use the chemical communication channel to inform intra and interspecific spatial boundaries and renewed periodically.
A study by La IsabelBarja Professor of Biology Department, Unit of Zoology, University dela Autónomade Madrid. In their study "signaling patterns in the Iberian wolf feces" took, among others, the following conclusions:
"... The location of wolf feces substrates bright and high in areas of great strategic value (crossroads and certain sections of the road) and supports their use as fragrant and visual marks."
or so it is logical to think that our dogs will follow the same behavioral patterns as evolutionary precursors, depositing feces in places that are very visible and accessible to other dogs. The contact between dogs and feces will be very narrow, consequently, the likelihood of disease transmission will also be high; reason for the stool to be removed from our roads.
Despite campaigns that government agencies do and the costs involved for our municipalities: place paper bags with dispensers, promote different campaigns, creating dog parks (in addition to being small and insufficient, have become in "muck" where no one picks up the feces, leaving to fulfill the function entrusted: to be a place of relaxation where our dogs can run and socialize with other dogs and improve their behavior, but this would be another matter.) There are still people who do not pick up after their dogs and these "oversights" are detrimental to everyone, especially those responsible owners and animal lovers, fortunately most of our cities, they can not enjoy their colleagues without someone shouted insults, and with reason, "mines" that we are in the streets at every turn, as a result of the lack of civility and respect to the rest of a few.
Ordinance Segúnla tenure Municipalreguladora pets adopted in plenary on 18 January 2001 Published in the BOP Valencia No. 110 of
May 10, 2001, article 43 says:
"People who lead dogs and other animals shall prevent them from depositing their droppings on sidewalks, paths, gardens and, in general, in any place dedicated to pedestrian traffic, unless specifically authorized places for it."
"In any case, the driver of the animal is required to collect and remove the feces, having to clean even the road that could have been affected."
"According to what is stated in previous section, the driver of the animal may proceed as follows:
a) Collect stool in a hygienic manner using waterproof bags.
b) Deposit droppings in waterproof bags, tightly closed, in bins, containers or other items of contention raised by municipal services.
c) Deposit the feces without any wrapping in places specially authorized to do so or in the sewer system through the scuppers. "
We would like to inform those who refuse to pick up after their dogs, which can cause damage to the population, including their own loved ones, love of administrative sanctions and economic costs arising from your failure antisocial. We will list a list of diseases that can be transmitted by the feces of pets:
The presence of Giardia is currently one of the most common causes of chronic or intermittent diarrhea in dogs. Sometimes their presence is accompanied by vomiting, which may even be the predominant symptom. This is a difficult problem to diagnose and treat, especially when it leads to inflammatory processes that cause the normal intestinal bacterial flora suffer a great multiplication. Diarrhea can occur 5 days after exposure to infection.
There are now other laboratory techniques to identify the parasite antigen in the stool.
Although these problems are very unpleasant, the illness usually is not dangerous. In this regard it is noteworthy that, if the purchaser of giardiasis is a puppy or geriatric dog, the chances of acquiring other diseases that end up in serious condition is high.
- Taeniasis
Humans and dogs become infected by consumption of eggs in the feces of infected animals or by ingestion of meat and offal that are raw or semi cysts inside. The clinical symptoms are: itching in the perianal area (alrrededor the anus).
None of them are a health concern for humans. Production in some species however, such as sheep, goats, etc.., Cause disease, bringing death, causing major economic losses for producers.
- Cryptosporidiosis
Cryptosporidiosis is a disease caused by a microscopic parasite, or germ, called Cryptosporidium parvum.
On farms, the main source of infection the animals are young people with diarrhea. The high level of infection and rapid spread of the disease is explained by the high number of oocysts (a type of vesicle) that eliminate in their feces and that are directly infectious.
People may become infected by accidentally drinking (oral) contaminated water (eg. In lakes, streams, pools, hot tubs), by ingesting contaminated food or by contact with objects contaminated with feces or dirty hands.
Asymptomatic carriers, represented mainly by adult animals are a source of further infection for infants. (Puppies)
The most common symptom is watery diarrhea. Other symptoms may include:
Dehydration, weight loss, stomach cramps or pain, fever, nausea, vomiting.
Most people with cryptosporidiosis get better without treatment, but people with weakened immune systems, such as patients with HIV / AIDS, can cause serious problems.
The trichurosis is one of the most common parasites in dogs usually occurs asymptomatically and occasionally leads to chronic diarrhea.
The evolutionary cycle is direct type.
The eggs excreted in the feces in the environment evolve in about a month (depending on temperature and humidity conditions) to the infective larval stage within the egg remains.
Diarrhoea is usually chronic and leads to progressive deterioration animals to weight loss and mild to moderate anemia.
The development of symptoms depends on the number of worms / eggs infectious.
Severe infections can cause bloody diarrhea, blood loss problems and this can cause constant iron deficiency anemia.
- Amoebiasis
This disease is an infection that occurs in the colon (large intestine) and sometimes the liver, is caused by an amoeba.
During incubation, the disease may have no symptoms.
Although the most characteristic symptoms are:
Intermittent diarrhea with foul-smelling stools.
Often the diarrhea is preceded in principle for a period of constipation.
Intestinal gas, and bloating, abdominal cramps and pain, fever, mucus and blood in the stool (sometimes), which is called dysentery, fatigue, muscle aches.
If the liver is affected:
Pain in the liver and the right side of the abdomen, jaundice (sometimes): Yellowing of skin and conjunctiva caused by liver disease.
- Toxocariasis
It is a parasitic disease that affects dogs, especially the young animal (puppy) and can be transmitted to man.
It is caused by a nematode (roundworm, which measures aproximadamente10 GRDC long length) that lives in the small intestine of the dog. The adult parasite eggs are eliminated in the stool.
The pregnant female dog can pass the disease to their pups via the placenta during gestation or through milk during lactation.
The form of pollution is given to people in parks such as dirt contaminated with feces of dogs, or petting a dirty dog parasite eggs stuck to the hair, and putting his hand to his mouth without prior sanitization.
The symptoms that we observed in sick dogs are diarrhea, bloating (abdominal swelling), emaciation, and death in case of obstruction.
The hookworm is a parasite Ancylostoma or very harmful to dogs and cats. Their presence in many young animals causes great interest in the potential mortality due to significant blood loss.
Adult females lay large numbers of hookworm eggs in the intestines of the guests. The eggs pass animal feces. The larvae from eggs become infectious in 2 to 8 days depending on temperature. Low temperatures slow down larval development, the extreme heat and dryness can kill the larvae.
With temperature and humidity favor the infestation. The life cycle is repeated when infective larvae are ingested or penetrate the skin of a new host.
Pups with severe infestations may die ancyilostomas acute blood loss before reaching the 3 weeks of age. The infected puppies may seem healthy for the first week of life, but deteriorate rapidly in the second or third week. These puppies exhibit pale gums and very dark stools that indicate the presence of blood. Puppies can succumb to the infestation before the eggs are detected in their feces which does not occur until 14 or 16 days after infection.
Adult dogs with mild infestations show no symptoms, but those with severe infestations ancyilostomas may have anemia, dehydration, weakness and restlessness. The stools are dark red or black by the presence of blood. Diarrhea may also occur.
The Ancylostoma also pose a threat to human health. Cutaneous larval migrans or "creeping eruption" is the term used to describe larval infections in humans.
- Echinococcosis / hydatidosis
It is a disease caused by a parasite called Echinococcus granulosus and definitive hosts are domestic dogs and some wild canids and lives in the small intestine, measured from 3 to 6 mm in length, is a parasite "flat" (tapeworm) and body has three segments and the latter has several hundred eggs which decays into the environment when it is eliminated in the feces of the dog.
The adverse effects of cestodes in the small intestine of the definitive hosts are limited. In the intermediate host, the cysts gradually displace normal tissues or cause fibrosis, and induce the symptoms of the disease. In humans, the symptoms depend on the organ in which they develop cysts, and the size and number of cysts.
Can also be found numerous cysts of E. granulosus in the brain, kidneys, bones and testes, where they cause more serious diseases. If control measures are applied, the rates of infection in cattle and dogs can be very high and therefore the impact on humans will also be of importance.
- Parvovirus
A highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the intestinal tract, white blood cells, and in some cases, the heart muscle.
The source of contamination is the feces of animals that are infected. There may be large amounts of virus in the feces of animals with the disease.
Canine parvovirus virus is resistant under extreme weather conditions and can survive for long periods. Easily transported from one place to another in the hair or feet of infected animals or in cages, shoes, or any other contaminated object.
The first signs of canine parvovirus disease are usually vomiting and severe diarrhea, which often occur within 5 to 7 days after the infection. At the beginning of the disease the stool will usually be a light gray or grayish yellow. In some cases, the first sign will be liquid stool with blood stains
Approximately 75% of puppies under 5 months and 2 to 3% of older dogs die from this disease. Notably, the massive influx of puppies from Puppy-mills (factories dogs) with the main objective to meet the demand of society, raised without any selectivity, low parental affection and neonates unvaccinated for prevention save costs, has encouraged an increase in this type of virus.
- Coenurosis
The coenurosis is a parasitic disease of ruminants caused by Coenurus cerebralis, which is the immature form of Taenia multiceps, a kind of vesicle (cenuro) whose adult form parasitizes the dog and other wild carnivores.
If the dog eats the entrails of a sheep "drowsiness", go to your gut the
cenuro membranes with the "heads" of the larva, which became independent in favor of
intestinal secretions, attach to the mucosa and begin to produce as many rings tapeworms, the latter being fully formed about four weeks after being swallowed cenuro. Thus ended the cycle of the parasite.
While the dog is not suffering from this disease if it serves as a transmitter to other animals and even humans.
Distemper or canine distemper is a disease caused by a virus. The distemper, which has a structure very similar to human measles virus. Disease is known as a high level of infection and mortality not only for the canine species but for many species of domestic carnivores from about two hundred years ago.
Often become infected bodily secretions of other animals affected by the disease (feces, urine), but beware!, People can also bring home the virus on clothing, shoes or car tires so the pets inside are not free from the threat of disease, another reality to consider is an airborne virus and can infect domestic animals through windows and doors open.
This dreaded disease some authors are encouraged to call the thousand disease symptoms (for these are many variables): decay, increased body temperature, presence of a green mucus yellowing of the eyes and nose (conjuntivistis purulent), intermittent cough, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctival eye sore, the pads of the paws (pads) are hardened and cracked, from the 4th week onwards from the onset of the disease in most cases start nervous symptoms appear. For a better understanding of my dear reader can be classified by the symptoms and the organs and / or systems affected, but it is clear that there are several diseases but one with several forms:
* Respiratory (coughing, sneezing, conjunctivitis, fever) * Intestinal (yellow diarrhea, vomiting isolated fever, malaise) * Skin (pustules, pyoderma, etc. ..) * Nerve (ticks, chewing lockjaw, seizures).
- Salmonellosis
Salmonellosis is a disease caused by a group of bacteria located in the intestinal tracts of humans and animales.La Salmonella spread through animal feces, causing diarrhea which can be severe in young, elderly and immunosuppressed.
Most animals infected with Salmonella show no signs of the disease. Clinical symptoms depend on age and type of infected animal, usually the disease is more severe in stressed animals, young or pregnant females. Symptoms include watery diarrhea and foul smelling, abdominal pain and fever. Dehydration, shock and death may occur and are very common in young animals. Some animals infected with Salmonella may be asymptomatic (without symptoms of disease) but eliminate the bacteria in the feces when stressed.
Some of these diseases are more imports than the inconvenience of having a nasty diarrhea with care a few days away from our memory. Others may have serious consequences for us and our dogs, and the most aggressive can be deadly to our pets and other animals, without being a company, no longer part of our environment and even our economy.
This list of diseases and their consequences for the health of animals and the Humann should give us the strongest reason to collect the droppings of our pets.
This exhibition does not intend to criminalize our dogs, or to those individuals who do not consider it necessary to collect the feces, only aim, with these four reasons: prevention, respect, economy and health awareness to the general population and especially reluctant to collect the droppings, the need to keep our towns and cities salvaguadar clean for our health and our own.
Everything pointed to could be prevented with two simple actions: collect the droppings of our dogs and keep our pets healthy, following a schedule of vaccinations and deworming regulated and guided by a Veterinary College.
Finally we encourage the few remaining reluctant to pick up after their pets and deposit them in places prepared for this purpose, this simple action awareness and citizenship show that both required to live in society and their love for their animals.
Jose Jimenez Lopez
Jiménez Ariza Taty
Technical Assistant for CIM Veterianaria
- Step C. Barr, Larry P. Tiller (2007), Infectious diseases and parasitology in dogs and cats (Ed. Inter-medical. Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- H. Mehlhorn (1993), Foundations of parasitology. Parasites of man and domestic animals, (Ed. Acribia, SA Zaragoza)
- T. Kassai, (2002), Veterinary Helminthology - (Ed. Acribia, SA Zaragoza)
- Isabel Barja, signaling patterns in the Iberian wolf feces, Published online: February 24, 2004. - Http://
- Mascotamigos editorial team, it's dog .. and Wolf, published online in 2011 -
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