Friday, August 3, 2012

French Baguette (with Sponge)

History: When it comes baguette first thing that comes to mind is France and especially Paris, but can be found all over the world. The French food laws define the baguette as a product must contain only the following four ingredients: water, flour, baking powder and salt. Add any other ingredients to the basic recipe, implies that the baker should change the name of the product, ie no longer be a baguette. In the previous French baguette recipe (deeper on the history of it). This time we want to emphasize the technical aspect that involves making a sourdough baguette. Before we know that the "sourdough" is a starter culture composed mainly of flour, water and yeast, which is added to the dough to improve its characteristics and the final product. The terms: preferment, pie, sponge, etc.. are synonymous with the general term sourdough. The reason we want to do these previous explanations, it is because the use of sourdough decisively contributes to increase the strength of the mass, improves softness and extensibility, contributes tremendously the taste of bread and increases the life of bread without the use of condoms.

Additionally, be aware that the use of sourdough requires: better planning and control of temperature and time, use baking sponge method and less use of yeast. The baguette made with sourdough sponge or in a bread made much better than without it. Ingredients: For the Sponge: 1000 Grs. Grs 1000 Flour bakery. Water 60 Grs. Yeast 30 Grs. Malta diastatic malt syrup

Ingredients For the dough: 2000 Grs. Bread flour 810 Grs. Water 55 Grs. Salt Sponge Preparation: Put all ingredients in the sponge on the machine to mix the dough, mix to unify all the ingredients (this preparation should be more or less liquid) Spoon the mixture into a bowl and leave to ferment for 4 hours at 24 ° C or overnight in the Baguette refrigeradorPreparación: Pour the sponge or the sourdough bowl from mixer to knead, combine flour and baking Beat or knead water for 5 minutes in strong speed; Place the salt to 4 minutes Lower the mixer speed and beat medium speed dough gently for 3 minutes Remove the dough from the bowl, take it to the table forms a ball and then put it on a tray, cover with a cloth and let Take 2 hours to ferment sourdough and knead gently until all the air vote Divide dough in batches of 410 c / u; cover it again with a cloth or a plastic bag and let stand for 35 minutes Sprinkle with flour the mass table.

Begin to stretch first pressing with fists clenched, like walking, then with the help of a stick or roller Work up to a thickness of 3 mm. Every now and then flip the dough, investing and turning ¼ turn Make a square shape about 50 cm long, 35 cm wide, carefully pressing Roll from short side to make a spiral. Press the edges down to close the bread. The operation is repeated for each of the other parts of the masses spirals Arrange remaining dough into a greased and floured tray beforehand and cover with a cloth to leaven the bread Put in a warm place for an hour with a razor, keep them short Each spiral diagonal Fifteen minutes before baking, preheat oven to 210 degrees Celsius Enter the pan in the oven, bake for 25 minutes during the first 10 minutes vaporize. This is done by placing a small pan of water on the floor of the furnace to generate steam Remove bread from oven and let stand a few minutosTips: When placing a pan of water on the floor of the furnace to generate steam, while maintaining open slightly the oven door the last 5 minutes of baking, the steam generated help develop a better color and better quality of bread crust Write to or contact us at our website:


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