Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Role of Death in the Tarot Cards

Death is certainly a figure that fills us with fear and uncertainty.

As revealed in the roll out of tarot cards, no client seems to feel at ease, and the mere sight of this card awakens the deepest fears of our personality. Will it happen something bad to me or a loved one? Is anyone going to die soon? Do not worry, have to be. This linear interpretation as the meaning of all the arcana is a mistake that inexperienced or amateur tarot readers often make. Who is skilled in reading the tarot cards knows that it is much more than a code that says that certain letters corresponds uniquely a certain interpretation.

In the case of death, first to appear is the rich detail of significance included in the illustration of the arcane.

To begin, there are several illustrations that apply to this secret. However, after all, the general meaning is the same. In some decks Death is depicted as a powerful Lord, who comes to announce that the present order of things will end in the near future. As we see, there is no direct reference to death, especially if the letter does not go upside down. The Lord who moves his horse tells us things as we know it ended, a new government, new rules, and we must adapt quickly to this new order, if we would not perish. The king is dead, long live the king.

In other versions of Death, we see directly the popular figure of the Grim Reaper, the human skeleton with his sickle, cutting the shoots that emerge from the earth. If you look closely, the buds are small human heads as soon as spring biased soil. In this case, death is closer to the biblical Book of Revelation, the end of an earthly cycle to move to a higher state of things. But we should not fear, for a change is beneficial to the client. In both scenes, it is clear that demands a great deal of humility and sacrifice by the consultant, who, as a humble peasant, should bow his head and know how to exploit what lies ahead. The message, ultimately, announces changes, major changes, changes are inevitable as death itself-but if the person is able to accept and capitalize on the situation in their favor, will benefit. Tarot cards have the wisdom to always leave a door open for the tarotista extrasensory ability to find the final interpretation.

Jesus Ontivero

Tarot Cards

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