Monday, August 6, 2012

Or Benidorm or credibility

Among the mayor of Benidorm maintain or preserve a fragile political credibility Alart Jorge is very clear: better be mayor in hand, the other thing God will provide.

13 months ago, when his fellow Agustín Navarro was about to snitch on from the popular Manuel Perez Fenoll, Alart proclaimed: "If someone in the PSOE vote a motion of censure to a renegade, is no longer a member of the PSOE." Said and done: Navarro and 11 councilors more, including Maite Iraola, mother of Leire Pajin, had to be formally removed from the game but continued denominating the Socialist Group. Clearer water.

The good news is that "without Augustine as head of the list, the Socialists have nothing to do in Benidorm", informed sources tell me the Marina Baixa.

Therefore, in a move that was seen coming from afar, the local PSOE executive has proposed to Navarro for mayor as an independent, so that in the absence of other applicants socialists, there is little point to Manuel Chaves try to save face the party in Madrid: "I disagree, as president of the PSOE, with the decision they made in Benidorm".

Alart, however, swallowed his words of yesterday and today shows his "respect and understanding to the proposal made by the local executive."

You see how little lasting convictions.

Especially now, when the municipal life of Benidorm is more riot than ever and the PSOE to be the largest party in the town could no longer needing to rely on Jose Bañuls, the defector from the PP that gave the mayor. Bañuls could then create their own training, as has former Mayor Manuel Catalan Chana and has now more likely than in previous elections. As one policy expert benidormí, "after years of bipartisanship, this may result in unaopa of letters such as Denia and others."

In such an eventuality and the uppercase internal mess live locally Popular Party now supports Alart, who believes that its rivals are cooking their own scandal thus help alleviate the contradictions of the PSOE.

The keys are very simple: the local PP as a candidate wants Gema Amor and, instead, the environment of President Camps, Antonio Clemente at the helm, can not see its militant Zaplana "democratically elected Mayor and then stripped by the motion of censure was Perez Fenoll and he should lead our list, "reiterates the general secretary of PP.

"But in Valencia are wrong medium to medium-view instead a citizen of Benidorm-qualified, for without Gema Popular Party has nothing to do with Agustin Navarro, who has made a populist management, very close to the people" . Aware of this and his own strength, Gema Amor would be willing to integrate people in a bid Pérez Fenoll where the former mayor would go from number two. "No way" answer on the other side of the game.

You see that the cisco is considerable: on one hand, the Socialists decided to mortgage their political credibility in exchange for a mayor. Otherwise, the campsismo willing to lose the election before the sector earn Jose Joaquin Ripoll, with whom he was measured, and lost-Pérez Fenoll in their struggle to the Provincial Council of Alicante.

This gibberish is not surprising comment from a neighbor: "The fault lies not with the deserters, as they say, but so cunning of which we are to the cap."

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