Monday, August 6, 2012

Look in July to June Spanish

Look at Spanish June July

Meléndez López Teodulo

The emergence of the "outraged" Spanish has been the most reliable sample of the exhaustion of economic and political model. We could go further and ensure that a social contract. Then attended a claim for participation and decision embodies Europe in crisis and the desire to increasingly manifest, empower the peoples of their destiny.

The reasons for the movement that shook Spain June 2011 are clear: the economic crisis patented in foreclosures, unemployment and lack of opportunity, a political crisis resulting from the depletion of an act of the leaders on the basis of an institutional perverted complicity with the media to expose the public, an inability of existing institutions to process the collective problems, ranging from a traditional intermediary organizations supposedly available to mediate or act as liaison between government and citizens to the parliamentary and of justice, the crisis of an economic system that has led to the collapse of the welfare state.

It would, however, call them limited enumerated causes actual or materials without putting it in something deeper that is none other than the increasing desire of companies regardless role of intermediaries flawed. In other words, the "angry" are an accurate reflection on European territory, an empowerment effort that will characterize the twenty-first century.

Being apathetic or narcissistic or nihilistic now has challenges ahead of him breaking his apathy and leaders and institutions that are unable to resolve them and, consequently, find they must take a leading role. The economic and financial logic seems made to satisfy interests that are not strictly those of the collective and everyone starts to look the other and understanding each other via social networks are slowly forming a new alliance that leads citizens to public action.

In December 2010 was published in Spain Stéphane Hessel Indignaos, the old fighter of the National Council of the French Resistance, and hence the name assumed by the Spanish protest. His proposals are not a substitute for the existing body, but some general approaches sufficient to ignite the first wave. Demands of social security and health, prevalence of work on the money, break monopolies, redistribution of wealth, economic and social democracy, independent media, school with real income potential and critical spirit, attacks and banking maneuvers financial markets and especially the call for collective responsibility.

So basically the Spanish youth, expressed outrage at a picture of social failure or structure or its management policy has human qualities. There is no doubt that this outrage will be a sign of this interregnum determining where it falls apart the old world and new peeks shyly. I have repeated many times the need for political thought translated into clear thesis that ethical-utopian sentiment of the people on the need to regenerate the fabric of democracy and to supplant the old socio-political structures.

Intermediary institutions produce justified suspicion, especially political parties. Hence the outraged require removal of privileges, transparency in the financing, a new electoral law referendum lists open and binding issues. Above all point to the banks, bailouts and calling prohibit investments in tax havens and a series of claims in immigration, environment, and the high points that affect the quality of life.

One thing is certain: politics has lost its legitimacy. The two-party system of alternation in power has been hit by a claim represented by an independent variant of civic organization. Do not prejudge the future of this movement as an alternative to power, one that otherwise do not arise, nor handling charges, always in these cases are tried-and accusations of being left or right. He obtained is that large sectors of the Spanish population tested honeys mobilization and became aware of something I've repeated essential for the renewal of the world: that citizens have the power and should exercise it.

There is no point talking about the outcome of the elections that followed the shock, rather the reaction of 19-J showing as unlikely as a result of abandonment results in the polls or the practice of rotation. At this point it should be noted that the movement did not aim to overthrow a government. The purpose, the heat of the moment come, and that goal achievement was to see people sitting in circles discussing all the issues and the highest of all of course that people were occupying public space for it. If a word should be used is re-politicization of Spanish society and that translates as an awakening, as a break with the habit of letting politicians decide and act on our behalf.

No one can expect a move of this kind appears loaded with programs and accurate definition of the future. May do or not, or simply load in a cluster of approaches that we all become laughable. Faced with these accusations have rained the answers. I stop at one, the reaction of "Real Democracy Now", one of the main groups in the movement against the so-called "Pact of the Euro 1" signed on March 11 and later expanded as the "Pact of the Euro Plus 2" and signed by 17 governments in the Eurozone and other six countries. The crisis forced the adoption of measures on issues such as bailouts and fines, which were contingent in the EU at the European Stability Mechanism (MEDE), the European Central Bank and the IMF to some extent. In other words, the EU tried to fight this way excessive deficits and implement social spending cuts with the consequential reduction in consumption, wage cuts and rising unemployment. Also, it determines the creation of a common financial market which is estimated not in the interests of citizens and another of the major banking corporations. DMY response argues that the financial and fiscal conditions were usurped the sovereignty of peoples, by establishing, in my opinion, a false contradiction between supranational decisions and citizen power.

Does not seem to understand this part of the "outraged" that it is impossible to solve the national problems that nation-states are powerless over the magnitude of the crisis. He insisted that the world is moving towards a transfer of the former concept of sovereignty to the bodies arising from the different processes of integration in the European case embodied in the EU. It is not discussed in this text on the measures announced and their actual effect is to set an example as a clear the fall of the welfare state and an economic and even political, if we admit that the European structures are inadequate because of their own, by failing to develop its institutions to the extent of the requirements of this interregnum. The Constitution, for example, could be voted nation by nation, should be voted on by the Europeans, but remember that it obviated any pronouncement on a renewed democracy to continue emphasis on representative democracy.

What I mean is that like the supranational must address the major problems and overcome the limits of nation-states and their capacities, while it is necessary to the creation of a supranational civil society. Of course, citizens must speak out and enforce standards, but what stands out as a sign of uncertainty in DRY is necessary to contrast the multinationality of many of the decisions to the national citizens' will, when in the process of glocalization in place both elements are combined, as long as the nationality ceases to be understood as a wrapper able to protect, to move to another concept, that of European citizenship, one that, together, must have at its disposal all the possibilities to exert dominance over issues this "Euro Pact" such as labor market reform, pension age to go and all others involved. The failed economic model is what should make clear the movement "outraged." There is the problem, not false oppositions.

This fall the model has been called "the collapse of Europe slowed down." True outrage is that the movement has begun to have impact on other European countries, but sometimes the decisions that governments are taking to the inside of their nation-states are losing the community in the conjugation of common programs. We admit that we are asking too much of a movement whose short life will surely dispel confusion, but said I did not do any harm.

It is therefore necessary, to attribute the emergence of a civic consciousness, so much so recognizable that we can ensure that a new actor has appeared in history. There has been palpable questioning the legitimacy of political elites, media and economy, a claim which itself transforms reality reported. How to play this role remains to be seen, but there has appeared a possibility of democracy in the XXI century, to a democracy rooted in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The troubles for the forms and procedures may seem reasonable, but will be created to measure the progress of political theory that has nothing set in stone pond.

As I have said on numerous occasions the crisis of representation has been hatched, and do not give regular social conflicts. The old procedures, especially those who are practiced in daily politics and institutions representative calls, they are exhausted. No one comes to rely on formalities to an emerging movement to ensure again that the only possible is a formal democracy, much less at a time when technology has made available to citizens with immense power that can become the new practice of democracy serve beyond the big calls. Be the sustained use of technology or the ways that the human imagination get in the way, the truth is that the old democracy no longer works for more and the new social pact should enable citizens to feel what they are, the owners of power. It goes through several approaches have insistently repeated, such as cutting back the economy to political control by reducing macroeconomic indicators at a level lower than a fixed economy in sustainable development of the human. Glocalization is to be built under the new political, social and economic.

It should be absolutely aware of European youth.

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