Monday, August 6, 2012

Killer Pollution

Monterrey, Mexico .- The Valley of Extremadura, on which sits the Monterrey metropolitan area is a place surrounded by beautiful mountains vast and last dates that are overshadowed by the huge amount of dust pollution in the atmosphere.

And are most of dusts produced by quarries that extract minerals with dynamite and 5 years had to have relocated outside the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey.

Not so. Monterrey is a city industrial imminently. The first mega factories that were installed as the Cuauhtémoc Brewery, The Iron and Steel Foundry, the Monterrey Glass and Tin Plate, settled on the banks of the then fledgling city.

Soon, urban development engulfed the factories and normal settlements and factories established around it by the way, have invested billions of dollars in industrial restructuring to reduce polluting effects.

Not so the quarries that are few and indiscriminately pollute the atmosphere of Monterrey.

The bad thing is already politicized the issue by assuming a deputy and mayor of Santa Catarina, both the National Action Party's defense of the environment, but inking policy.

And that is sparse, the State Governor Jose Natividad Gonzalez Paras responds with a weak "maybe? it is time to leave, in allusion to the quarries contaminants.

This recalls the case of so-called best governor of Nuevo Leon, Alfonso Martinez Dominguez that took quarries to the city of Monterrey and sent him away to Santa Catarina where they now operate.

But voracious urban sprawl engulf the industry again and the problem is bigger now. Already in the immediate past Governor Fernando Canales were extended for five more years the operating license of the mountains and hills. That period expired in 2006.

But is the policy of the present Governor Gonzalez Paras let go, letting be. With a simple decree would order.

But we must see that entrepreneurs are. That would understand many things.

For now, the pollution consists of particles smaller than 10 microns and up to 2.5 micrometers are unhealthy because they come directly to the alveoli of the lungs and can cause death.

The Governor will the coming year. And I doubt you do something about it.

Bearer ...

How difficult is to establish the legality amid a tangle of interests.

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