Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Organized Crime And Economics Of Virtualization

Levy (1997), makes a false opposition between real and virtual. Often, the word virtual is used in the sense of a pure and simple lack of existence, a "reality" the hypothesis of a material to conduct a tangible presence. The author emphasizes, above all, the changes introduced the concepts of space - "no territory" - and time - the detachment of the here and now. That is, "the U.S. new virtual spaces and the new speeds, and always problematized Reinventing the World "(Levy, 1997, p. 24). For the author, not virtual, the boundaries of space and time are no data and there is an exchange of all , which makes it difficult to distinguish public from private, which is why it is common, that is subjective is objective. It is exactly this vast virtual world that organized crime operates vigorously washing their strategies for "electronic "reproduction and money laundering in very different economic activities such as cargo transport, construction, power industry, real estate, fashion industry, entertainment, sports and programs offered by the privatization of the country emerging markets.

No respect for the virtualization of the economy, Levy (1997) believes that this process depends on two people and commodities: information and knowledge. This is because it is the most important main elements for the production of wealth today, because if people are different from other goods because of their characteristics to be shared, as it gives that are lost and not consume them destroyed. Notes on the financial sector: The financial sector, beating heart of the global economy is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic of escalating virtualization. The currency, which is the basis of finance, lack of synchronization and relocated large-scale work, a commercial and consumer transactions, which have long spoken in the same units of time and place. (Levy, 1997, p. 52). In addition, Kurz (1997, p. 132) work with the concept of casino capitalism, which he explains as follows: The essence of the speculative economy is to increase the nominal value, with no support in productive work, with only dealing in securities of a property. For stocks, this means that the actual performance, through dividends, has a value enhancement, the most important was the increase in the rates of the stock market over any earnings growth in the real market.

The year 80 was, well, a quasi-capitalism of global dimensions, which lasts until today. The social context in which it is embedded this new economy is in a situation where most of the world's population today is no longer KURZ (1996, p. 195) describes as "the issue of money, no money, people do not fit into any form of social organization, whether in the pre-capitalist or capitalist, and even less in the post-capitalism, and forced to live in a social environment and the lepers, which includes most of the planet.

A good metaphor of globalization call for the lenses of the new tools of communication is by journalist Clovis Rossi: The news of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, lasted 13 days to cross the Atlantic to reach Europe. The fall of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, last week took 13 seconds to fall like a thunderbolt on the São Paulo and Tokyo, New York and Tel Aviv, Buenos Aires and Frankfurt. So, live and a core, globalization. (Folha de São Paulo, Special Booklet 2 - Globalization, 02.11.97, p. 2). Therefore, the economist Maria Tavares say that allowed an analysis of the process of appropriation and privatization of information, because it could pass for a measure: time. That is, generate and transmit information takes time to work, but receive the information that saves time. The accumulation of capital in the demand for solutions to make available an amount of time that the savings resulting from such use and to require the user to recognize the value and pay for the time spent to be viable (in Dantas Tavares, 1996, p . 10). According to Dante (1996, p.

9), is the logic of contemporary capitalism, "whose institution was being renovated, so that ownership of the security of information, privatization and the elimination of social character is?. The invention of the integrated circuit ( chip) in the 1940 allows, finally, the digitization of information. From there, it was possible to reduce all kinds of information in a sequence of zeros and ones. text, sound and images are converted to bits. Another approach to the phenomenon of globalization is taken for Chesnais: The term globalization of capital is that, more precisely the content of the term globalization, reflecting the strategic capacity of all major oligopolistic toward the production or manufacture of the main activities of service may, on its own, a global approach and behavior. The same applies in the field of finance, operations calls for arbitration. The integration of financial markets clear, yes, liberalization and deregulation that led to the opening of national markets and their interconnection in real time (1996, p. 17). In this new economic environment is, according to Chomsky, a complete change of values ​​regardless of the allocation of capital, according to data published by the Conference on Trade and Development United Nations (UNCTAD).

It is therefore possible that there is a growing hegemony of the cash economy and financial needs, which means one of the most notable events of virtualization. "In absolute numbers, the world's largest market is estimated that about ten percent of equity in international trade in the decade of 1970, was for some speculation and 90 percent is related to the real economy, for investment and trade. In 1990, those numbers are reversed. Ninety percent were for speculation and ten percent for investment and trade. David Felix a recent study by UNCTAD Conference on Trade and Development United Nations, which cites estimates that in 1994 the figures were 95% for speculation and 5% in relation to the real economy "(Chomsky, 1999, p. 98). currency, the currency market, the most important values ​​and actions. "(Levy, 1997, p. 52) is the voice of unsuspected BE (1998, p. 18), a mega-speculator in the known world, which will give the general tone of the virtual planning of the economy: The system global capitalism is based on the belief that financial markets has left on their own devices, tend towards equilibrium.

But this belief is wrong. Financial markets have a surplus, and if the sequence between prosperity and depression continue beyond a certain point, the market will never return to the origin. A reality in which, according to Chomsky (quoted), 95% of capital in turn, the planet is destined to speculation that Mr. redeem this character has always been associated with capital markets and financial, from the invention of the Stock Exchange as a Stock Exchange? Amsterdam, founded in 1631. Galbraith (1992, p. 19-20) take the case well known throughout the world as tulipomania: The first installment of the modern market emerged only in Amsterdam in the early seventeenth century. It was stable and in this land of wide horizons that occurred in the 1630's the first major speculative explosion known in history. The tulip bulbs were bought and sold and the price increases seems to have no bounds: in 1636, a tulip bulb can be exchanged for one car, two gray horses and a full set of harness. From the seventeenth century, an organization of securities and other markets, information is always placed in the condition of fuel in all cases, whether by production, investments that create jobs, products, services - or speculative nature.

In summary, an important context of the search is the process that led to the globalization of markets, especially in its financial dimension at the docks with propelling the global articulation of the major criminal organizations, such as the Sicilian mafia Russian and Chinese triads, La Cosa Nostra (USA), Yakuza, the Cali and Medellin cartels. These seven Planetary criminal organizations running the business today in which human beings are offered to the "banned" by the social and democratic: Gambling, prostitution and drugs - and drug trafficking, human organs, diamonds, nonferrous metals, weapons and radioactive materials, among others.

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