Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Global Year 2022
Taking over the grapes? A pastime, but nobody should autoconvenza that with this gesture by 2010 it will report if it does, work, love, money ... I do not mean giving up the illusion that juicy and tasty fruit eaten in the striking oval end of the year of luck. But do not think that whoever does not engulf the rigor racimito suffer misfortunes FOLLOWING twelve months. It is a pagan rite invented by a warehouseman who begins an exaggerated indulgence in excess overflowing with fun, which can reach the peak. The general Christmas is a wonderful example of brotherhood and coexistence excited but the night known as San Silvestre arrives often degenerate into an opposite feeling, and ultimately depressing. The whole human race has one really suitable date to celebrate with joy and responsibility of unity and universal brotherhood. The good globalization, not the large-scale financial strategies that reduce freedom. Human being transformed into a wolf to man. No. The international real joy will be placed in the September 6 and from 2022, when it will be palpable cleansing begins to occur everywhere on the planet, but frankly so threatened release.
What we are seeing, day after day, in different social environments of almost all nations. A huge UN, without feet of clay, is the proposal cosmochamánica to world leaders to actually finish with poverty, disease and inequality. The History of the modern world is telling us clearly, with lots of signs, since September 1519 when two hundred fifty men in five ships depart from southern Spain to make the epic more risky, and ultimately heroic story of the quake. Most are Basques and Castilians. Eighteen of them, after three years of unspeakable experiences, returning to the starting point, always sailing to the West from a different route than usual then. Throughout the hazardous journey in the quarrels with the natives, Magellan, Portuguese native of the Kingdom of Leon, their blood watered the Philippines, where lie his bones adventurers. Finally, the Elcano Gipuzkoa with one ship and seventeen other surviving crew members get back to the mouth of the Guadalquivir on September 6, 1522. The captain receives the Emperor Carlos I of Spain, the shield with the inscription: Primus circumdedisti me.
The Juan Sebastian de Elcano he had the glory of becoming the first man that went around the world. And with seventeen other Spanish he lived in flesh the experience that the planet is a globe. In 2022 marks the fifth anniversary of the Hispanic contribution which has led today to the "globalization" concept that the powerful have abused for personal gain, accumulating wealth shamefully few large financial partnerships masked while the rest of the human lives or the crumbs lives badly not only economic but moral and sentimental, whether employers or workers. Must perceive this subtle link in human history, the individual's present alienation walk in a system that creates economic crises, epidemics and environmental disasters by boosting the dismal macroeconomic engineering is intended to serve only to money and those who possess in vast quantities. All others are mere puppets, unless we revolt mental, cosmic or poetically. Personally I already do with gestures of all types, large and small, need not be the same as those of my fellow exactly, but in the same direction, indicating clearly the dramatic global change that is coming without fail. For example, not as free to leave to politicians, to participate more in citizen demands fair.
Together, we can. And why not?, Also daily samples of nonconformity or trade and customs sometimes boring, there are plenty to correct. One, not by going against, but to watch over the souls of my fellow gold, every December 31 retires to a desert island and fast from 00:00 until 9:00 St. Sylvester January 1, total thirty-three hours, representing each of the years of Christ, his philosophy of love, suffering and social significance ends in 2022 but was gathering flowers transcendental synthesis of all ideologies benefactors of the world in a single providential worldview general human dgnidad recover. The countdown to this rebellion began in 2010 and only those that can encompass and promote the sense of the universe, exceed the border in 2022. Political leaders of Spain and Latin must agree in proclaiming the benefits of this contribution to the Hispanic world, the first globalization, which is an unquestionable reality. All live born today because of it. Spain, where the sun never set, generated in this way, the effective global progress and therefore deserves to be the capital Madrid on the planet.
But money corrupts the weak and the globe is warming in different ways. In the end, six billion human beings are more or less divided computed, of course, exceeding the epically ventre 2022 and the foul Earth still degenerate. The only way to end corruption is the goodness of the courage and culture, none of technological progress as based on false premises. Through the fervor for the money and technology can only be achieved dehumanizing evil. This is the proposal to the political leaders of Spain, first, because each and every one of the leaders of each and every one of the nations and the UN, an organization that would be enhanced with the natural ideology. An exit history and culture that favors the human being, born anywhere. Carlos YAGO
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