Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Secrets of Body Language

Experts in the field of body language we mention that the body is the best way to convey emotion, express feelings and reflect what you really want or feel a person. Body language is more important than talking in a conversation, 7% of human communication is through words, 93% is the tone of voice, posture, gestures and facial expressions. Together or separately, indicate not only the mood and intentions of the individual, but many personality characteristics, such as security, shyness, violence and so on. Thus, the position expresses a person's attitudes and feelings towards people that accompany it. When a meeting between a group and its leader, it can cross your legs in a manner consistent with the group and under the arms of another, because as I said in the videos (even feel the body of world leaders can talk a lot).

Very often, the effect of body language is an unconscious level and that after only a couple of minutes talking to someone who just met, we conclude that this person is not trustworthy or not we like without we know the exact reason. The most we can say is it has something to do not like. That something comes almost surely what your body language conveys to us. Conversely, when talking to someone you may be saying much more than we think. Thus, our emotions are influenced by other people without saying a word, it can suffice a certain posture, gaze and gestures to make us feel uncomfortable, nervous or angry, or happy, cheerful and optimistic. Of course, this does not mean that our party will capture all the information you are transmitting, the degree to which they do depends on how good it is to the interpretation of this language and we are paying attention.

There is a body language differently in each person, expressions and rules that vary with culture, which are learned in the early years. These rules determine what should be done against the protest of every sensation or feeling in various social settings. Vary by social roles and demographic characteristics, and differ from one culture to another.

This film has shown me the importance of body language and how to use it on my behalf within the company, the best of all, it can be modified voluntarily for personal gain. It is true that this does not happen overnight in the morning and takes much practice to get it, you must know your body, feel safe driving it and know every move that you can express it as a whole and not as separate signals . Importantly, the fact modify gestures by better ones, can turn a failure into triumph. In the company can become good leaders and make you tell people in complex situations simply by using appropriate body language in conjunction with our words.


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