Saturday, August 4, 2012
Decisions that determine their success or failure
Alexis Fernando JiménezSalió angry with his wife. He had a discussion starting in the morning. Did not expect so. All for a triviality: how hot was the coffee at breakfast. "You could not even make it cool? By the way, I say."
Those few words, ten to be exact, triggered a huge debate. He never imagined it would. And Ricardo, a prey to anger, he took a suitcase, packed his belongings and there was, in the car, aimlessly. He was sorry. His decision was completely wrong ...
In another place, far from there, Raul took his head in his hands, with tears of rage furrowing his face. In the midst of a rage after arguing with his immediate boss, had decided to resign. The man also dominated by anger, he received the letter and said, "Done. You go to the company. Go through the administration office to receive your payment." Now faced with the painful situation of having to find a new job.
Decisions. Have you thought about how many mistakes we have incurred by making bad decisions? Decide plays an important role in our existence.
The decisions are crucial
Our decisions determine victory or defeat. It is a principle that applies to our personal and spiritual life.
I remember the story of a young woman four months pregnant. I was sorry for his situation. "I can not do anything because abortion would go against the principles I have learned since childhood," he said.
He was in his third semester civil engineering in college. From what Marcela regretted the decision was made to yield to a wish-natural beef, but at last, and ended with a night of passion and the son who was coming.
"If only I had thought before acting, he complained - now would not be in this situation."
Around the Cross of Christ our dear Saviour, there are four scenes that I share with you, because yield principles that are essential to the goal of following the proper way to decide something. At all times, and is the first advice I give is key that you get the address to God (see Psalm 37:5)
1. The decision to repent and take the change
The problem is not failing because all humans err one way or another. The real issue is not to repent and follow the same path of error.
Consider the first case, the apostle Peter's impulsive. He followed the Lord Jesus on the way to trial. "Meanwhile, Peter was sitting outside on the patio, and a maid came to him. 'You too were with Jesus of Galilee, he said. But he denied before them all, saying,' I do not know what you mean. Then came to the door, where another maid saw him and said to the bystanders, 'This man was with Jesus of Nazareth. He again refused, swearing: - A man and know him! Soon after came to Peter those who were there and said, 'sure you're one of them you note for your accent. And he began to throw curses, and swore: - A man and know him! At that moment the cock crowed. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: "Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. '" (Matthew 26:69-75 a. New International Version)
The first decision was unfortunate. Denied his master. Very similar to what could happen once or maybe the time you read this. Has failed. But something bad, you can do something positive, if he repents, recognizes his mistake and decided by the change.
After wandering, Peter repented. Identified that had made a mistake in betraying his Lord, and refocused its way. The Bible tells us that Peter "went out of there and wept bitterly." (Matthew 26:75 b. New International Version)
Have you failed? If you recognize his fall, whatever, you must add something else to repent and change. Only when we take these two steps, everything starts to be different, with God's help.
2. The decision to give up everything and give up
A young wife, Veronica, I wrote from the Dominican Republic. He had decided to leave her husband. "Do not take it anymore. I've tried everything but nothing is." He said. Do you know what my answer? Do not give up. Continue to battle, but not their strength but in prayer, to receive power from on high.
Frequently and in situations of crisis, we decided to take it all away. No reason, just let ourselves be carried away by emotions. What drives this inclination? To failure.
I invite you to accompany me to see Judas. Just recognized his mistake for giving to the Lord Jesus. Is sorry. And we see it before the council of elders in Jerusalem. His face is contorted. He suffers. His eyes reveal anguish: "Early in the morning, all the chief priests and elders of the people came to the decision to condemn Jesus to death. They bound him, led him away and delivered him to Pilate the governor. When Judas, which had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and sin ancianos.-I told them I have betrayed innocent blood .- And that we do we care?-respondents. There you!. "(Matthew 27:1-4. New International Version)
The decision to repent was appropriate, timely, the better. But your first step accompanied with one second that led to his undoing: "Then Judas threw the money in the sanctuary and walked out. Then he went and hanged himself." (Matthew 27:5. New International Version)
Circumstances can not govern. If we are in the midst of crisis, perhaps prisoners of despair, it is essential we double knee in prayer before our heavenly Father loved. Christians do not give up because they realize that giving up is the preferred word of the failures, and remember: you and I were designed to overcome.
3. The decision to recognize the error and accept God's forgiveness
I think Ana Milena. A woman dynamic, enthusiastic, with many ideas. Although this is in constant depression. The reason? This was less than two years after her marriage, when he fell into adultery. He was then twenty years and believed that was the way to get revenge on her husband, who fell in constant adventures outside the home. After thirty-two years, despite being a faithful and devoted Christian home, was not forgiven.
I invite you again to the scene of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Two men are with him suffering martyrdom. "One of the criminals hanging there began to insult him: - Are not you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" (Luke 23:39. New International Version)
A wrong decision indeed. He had the opportunity to have reached eternity with God, but discarded. He was carried away by emotions, disbelief and, to some extent, by the self-sufficiency.
However, the other defendant acted differently: "But the other criminal rebuked him - not even you fear God, since you are under the same condemnation? In our case, the punishment is just, because we are getting what our deeds deserve it , however, has not done anything wrong. Then said Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom. 'I assure you that today will be with me in paradise Jesus answered.. "(Luke 23.40-43. New Version International)
No matter how bad it was this man recognized his mistake, apologized to God himself in Jesus was sharing the suffering for the sins of mankind, and said eternity in Him receive forgiveness and to forgive ourselves. Two key steps that accompany the mentality of a winner.
4. The decision to surrender to the will of God
Change in our forces is not possible, but with the power of God. The worst thing you can do is resist the act of God. Accept, however, is a foundation for success and personal fulfillment and spiritual.
Few months have passed since the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. And we see Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul-path of a nearby town to continue the persecution of Christians: "Meanwhile, Saul, still breathing threats slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high sacerdotey extradition of him letters to the synagogues in Damascus. He intended to find and take them as prisoners to Jerusalem to those who belonged to the Way, whether men or the trip happened mujeres.En he neared Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed his alrededor.Él fell to the ground and heard a voice saying: - Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? "(Acts 9:1-4. New International Version)
Are you tired of a life of failure that is becoming ever more chaotic? Do not continue fighting against God. He has for you and me, my wonderful plans. It remains that we surrender to Him and let Him work mightily in us.
The best determination throughout the life of Saul (Paul) was to allow God to work in his whole being: "- Who are you, Lord? 'Asked.' I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting, he replied. Arise and go into the city, you will be told what to do. "(Acts 9:5, 6. New International Version)
I can assure you that your life can be different, if only given God a chance. He waits at the door and called, as the book of Revelation: "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, come in and sup with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3.20)
You can not miss the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ today in your heart.
Decide today by the Lord Jesus
The best decision of every human being who is poised to wage the struggle against Satan is receiving Jesus Christ into your heart. It's easy. Suffice it to say, "Lord Jesus, I receive you into the heart as my only and sufficient Savior. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, forgive me and open the doors to a new life. Make me what you want it I am amen. "
If you prayed this prayer, I have three recommendations for you:
1. read the Bible. It is a wonderful book you will learn the principles that lead to personal and spiritual growth.
2. Pray every day. Prayer is talking with God. Develop intimacy with the Lord. And who is the hand of God, Satan keeps at bay.
3. Begin to gather. It is best to meet with other believers.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me right now or by calling (0057) 317-4913705.
© Fernando Alexis Jimenez
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