Thursday, August 9, 2012

Raise awareness of the Development

According to the UNESCO Chair is aware:

a) To help understand the interrelationships and inequities today, its consequences and the structures and institutions that make them possible.

b) Assist not be indifferent.

c) Given the negative effects of global socio-economic order.

d) In the face of social change in favor of justice and sustainability.

E) Assist to act, to seek possibilities for social change, make proposals, pressure, influence political decision-making circles and media.

The end result is to gain awareness of a personal and / or to intervene in the social community development, facts, articulate protest and proposal.

The awareness is reflected in the Code of Conduct for Development NGOs as one of the fields: "This activity is an active and creative process that promotes changes in attitudes and behaviors in society, promoting values ​​of justice and solidarity.

With awareness, according to the above code of conduct, the NGOs seek to:

1) Keep the public informed of the realities of world poverty and the causes and structures that perpetuate it, and provide a better understanding of the interdependence between countries, the causes of inequality and possible solutions.

2) Encourage the public an atmosphere of understanding and respect for the customs and lifestyles of other cultures.

3) Promoting values ​​and attitudes aimed at social change, based on principles of justice, peace, equality, equal rights and opportunities between women and men, democracy, participation, solidarity and environmental stewardship.

4) Encourage a concrete commitment to poor countries. "

Maria Teresa de Febrer


mt.defebrer @

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