Sunday, August 5, 2012

To listen to Educating

INDEX A. Proposal. B. To know what it is. C. Clearing the field. D. The indicators. Presentation. -1. Logical -2. Audible utterance -3. Languages ​​of eroticism -4. Feelings: Anger Depression Types of anxiety -5. Primal fantasies -6. Rhetorical processes -7. Contradictions -8. Defenses -9. Ideals and Representation 10.Temporalidad-group inter-12.Distancias 11.Espacialidad-insertion-decade 13.Modo eroticism 15.Estilosverbales-16.Estilos 14.Dobles-kinetic-17.Holofrase-18.Refranes, idioms and E. verbs The last but not least. F. Annex G. H. Summary Bibliography "is not the same fill heads that form heads, let alone be so that everyone has their own" Montesquieu A. Proposal. At their developments on the pathology caused by bad teaching, which the author called "didactogenia" (1986, 7, 9, 91a.b, 92a.bc, 93rd.) Metapsico-logically this foundation is a plethora of symptoms. Among many others, the taboo of thought, posthumous memories, memory, distractibility, encyclopedic, maintenance of the splitting of the ego, isolation, seudoligotimias, repeaters and repeaters, seudohiperkinesias, exacerbation of sadism and autoerotic activities, insomnia, depression, psychosomatic disorders , interference with the logical complexity of the preconscious, and so on. The question then arose, and now what?, How to prevent it? The reflections of this trial have a framework didactogenia preventing (or rather didactopatogenia) suggesting that end, listening to the teacher to focus, to bring this discourse complementary to the logic of the student. The teacher operates by supporting the student provides the possibility of they graduate successive moments of frustration vitable ine-producing reality.

"It is not simple interaction that produces learning, internalization, changes. They are the predictions that arise in the encounter with others that conflict with the limitations of reality, facilitate the development of a 'logic of action', where different strategies are compared. " (R. Jaitin, 1988). B. To know what it is. Teaching practice with the edu-locks, shows that the discourse of these, boasts a brand that is listening beyond subjectivism educator. If implemented theories with more refinement and specificity of diagnosis, the record is more selective. You can isolate the important from the secondary and make a focused listening. The record of consistency, needs hypothesis, which, operating as instruments, confer a formal organization of the speech. When this is not possible, can produce effects "didactopa-genicity" can jeopardize the health of educators and students. These effects may be due to ignorance that the educator has logic that operates the preconscious of the learner. Consequently it can operate with incompatible approaches can generate or reinforce symptoms. We can apply the resources of teachers, what was said by Freud (1910d), "[...] When we know and all that now [...] envision our medical action, and didactic in our case - will reach an accuracy and unusual security [...]" C.

Clearing the field. The proposed targeting of listening, is intended to share with colleagues an instrument, originated in the bowels of psiconanálisis. Try to produce an "opening and a tightness" (Mary T. Gonzalez Cuberes, 1992), the strategies of teaching and learning. An indispensable contribution to enrich the creativity of the educator, to question and not to reach, ask to transform, create conflict to rethink, triggering unrest-res and test, to say and do is reconcile the Master. D. The indicators. Presentation. My proposal is to highlight indicators of student speech that enable individual Lizar the logic of his thoughts, and complementarily adjust the speech teacher. It recognizes the preconscious of the targeted based on their individual disposition, studies among other influences and practices. A-Greg propose that these indicators, which have singularities at every stage of libidinal evolution of the learner, (Maldavsky, 1979.80 a.bc, 85,86,88 a.b, 89a.bcd, a.bc 90.91) These indicators may allow the teacher, listening and highlight various formal structures. The structure is constituted by a set of hypotheses that include general laws and other unique, purchased with vocational training. This makes it possible to create configurations that are rearranging the learner's speech from a set of criteria.

They help care for the mind of the teacher in the manner of a shield anti-stimulus, (1920g). When the learner expresses a kind of spaciousness, it corresponds a type of temporary, or a type of verb, or an ideal type, just to name a few pointers. These allow the teacher more clearly hear the dissonance, ie, scale fractures that contradict the presumption of listening, and thinking about reviewing it. Allow recti-fying, understanding the logical structure of the student. With this approach a discourse on scientific grounds, do not rule out the talent, love and personal creativity. But it is important to make clear that the student speeches are mixed with different contents and varied articulation defend sas changing. At the clinic there is a plurality of stories, a polyphony with shapes that burst and disappear in a harmonic or disharmonic. Some forms are repressed, others sublime and still others can act. At the same time can be different combinations of a fixed or changing to other erotica and other defenses. The stages of libidinal development. Given that the indicators have particularities in each eroticism, it is necessary to remember.

Following the model of the stages of development of the libido (Freud 1905d, Abraham (1924), the eroticism and its related diseases are those that follow: 1-Eroticism intrasomático preoral (EPOIS), psychosomatic pathology. 2-Erotic oral suction, O1, schizoid and schizophrenia. 3-cannibalistic oral eroticism, O2, depression and melancholy. 4-Erotic anal expulsive, A1, paranoia and perversion. 5-Erotic anal retentive, A2, obsessions. 6-Eroticism phallic urethra, FU, phobias. 7-genital phallic Eroticism, FG, hysteria. Then I will refer to the indicators, following in the order of exposition, a genetic-sequence evolutionary model is the first topography, from the unconscious to Consciousness, Freud, (1895.1900 a, 1905c, 1909b, 1912.13,1915 d, 1915e, 1918b, 1920g, 1923b, 1933a, 1940a, and the model of the three layers of Freud theorized preconscious in "a child is being beaten" (1919e). As I noted in the index indicators are many. The inevitable tyranny of space constraints force me to briefly highlight just some of the indicators. 1-Logic. It involves knowing the old criteria link the representations. It is logical because for one is established, the organization has a requirement of an earlier, Freud (1900a.5d 1915e.1928b). EPOIS Stage little studied so far can be a logic based on the articulation of physiological processes such as eg inability to breathe and swallow at the same time, (Maldavsky, personal communication).

O1. Registration is logical concurrency. Means an organiza-tion in time sync with the command of psychic apparatus and Origini satisfaction in living. There simultaneity between desire and satisfaction, nondiscrimination between object, context and subject. It is accompanied by a reversal of the causality that involves attributing the cause of it internally, externally, and this is a necessary requirement projection. O2. The logic is simultaneity and passivity. The self is passive affections, and places them beside himself. The activity is set to the other (reverse causality), who is responsible. The organizer is the smell, then replaced by the view but in terms of affection. The hearing, which denounces the existence of the object, such as affective quality becomes des-recovery, anger or pleasure expressed in terms of secondary orality, (1923d). A1. The logic is simultaneity and activity. The trauma I dominates basing on the motor, (Abraham 1924, Freud 1933a). It assumes that its activity results in the other affections, (1920g), and that it exists or not according to their movements. The simultaneous taneidad and contiguity, (1912-13), implies that the object travels I feel or the look and build an object.

But this does not persist beyond the motor act. A2. Is added to previous entries analogy. (1900a.1928b.1950a). Analogy involves various inscriptions if simultaneously with a common core and a set of predicates (1895). The unification is done by means of the word, and CoNLL-goes a further distance from direct experience with the object. Allows to discriminate the identity and similarity. The first means that all the qualities and functions of a, correspond to those of another. The second involves the similar recognition cer (for which they should have established the nucleus of the ego), and is given by the predicates. Distal senses become important (vision and hearing), which are the organizers for a greater capacity to bear the loss. Corresponds to Piaget's preoperational thought, (1959). FU, and FG Entry is added by chance intrapsí-Control. The league I footprints with different kernels, which refers to differences between the sexes. As hosts are added to the above, (smell, taste, touch, sight, cos kinetic components, ear), the visual component as an organizer. Fraternal complex arises, the gender diferecia, infantile sexual theories, the narcissism of differences, the castration complex, the ability of deduction and the Oedipus Complex. 2 - utterances sound.

Generalities. The sound expresses the attempt to drive abroad, the displeasure of the work becomes instinctual. His tone, intensity, rhythm, amplitude, al-structure, timbre, duration, (melodic line), respond to the call-ing of the drive. The sound is recorded as interior and serves as a valve to the overflow of pain (1950a. Letter 52.) Accompa-nied sound expressions (deglusión, wheezing). The tone depends on the frequency and intensity of the energy of vibration from the vocal cords, and the timbre of the vibrational motions in the cavities related to phonation. The sound emi-Tido has support in the drive, Spitz (1956), and runs the opposite way to the food. The sounds originated in the upper body and the digestive tract, are the sounds associated with oral impulses are of low intensity with high frequency. Generated in the lower trunk and contraction of the womb, and express the anal drives are high intensity and low frequency. The sound, appropriate for the motor itself, becomes a shout. Surge voice identification. This can be controlled and has a dual registration. It comes from inside the body and the external world. The very word allows the child's gurgles, babbles, Lale that require, for their self-imitation, empathic presence of the parents.

Rumors of the heart, breathing, digestive system, are internal and can not be contained. The synthesized voice both inside and outside the home, is influenced by family, regional, national, social, and consensual rules about how to speak in sentences (statement, question, exclamation).

The influences can be variously combined, according to the individual peculiarities. Singularities: EPOIS: the voice is more like a cry for download, which aims to reduce the voltage to zero, is strong and intrusive ejected unsaid. O1: low intensity, cold and distant. O2: low intensity, slow, whiny, impatient, reprochante. A1: it changes according to the reactions of the interlocutor. To catch the unwary is seductive, intrusive, when near his victim, and removed when it served its purpose. A2: low frequency, high intensity, no modulation. FU: whispering, hissing with "zzz" final, explodes outside the ear drum, and it plans to castration (Liberman). FG: Whispering, seductive, dysphonic by the tension of the vocal cords. Then the sounds are attached to the memory trace of the word heard. 3 - The language of eroticism. (Op.cit.1988a, 1991c.) The influence of each eroticism in noise emission, and is marked as affect (anger, depression), as a variation of the utterance as a variation in sound and language. The issue of language of eroticism we will develop briefly. EPOIS: language focuses on the importance of instinctual rhythms, which moves to the numbers, to profit.

Psychosomatic language emphasizes the value of the organs (eg "The girl ten", "Small fry", "The Kidney of the government," lung class "). O1: language is abstract, mundane reality is vested with the budget that is generated by the sensory organ. 02: the object of the world is changing at the expense of built-tion. The I, passive, becomes active through a consensus-RIALIDE as it appears and disappears as the taste, auditory-va, olfactory. affections are privileged, tones, shades. A1: passive arousal mucosa of the rectal ampulla is answered by motor activity (another erogenous suffering passivity). The language favors the word act, the motor performance. A2: the price of the core favors the representation of speech. FU: emphasis is placed on hold, with multiple paths, decisions and premature closure of unknowns. They often use proverbs, metaphors, such as shelter in the know to avoid the anguish of the questions. Conversely, the question remains which exclude the self openings of trouble, and can be converted into a continued support of unknowns. FG: characterized by the words of promise, (op. cit. 1980c, 88b.) Whoever promises, is one surrounded by charms which in-tempts to convince.

It promises the satisfaction of a desire of him to whom it is addressed. It's a story, in which there loft limiento start, then a meeting, a statement of fascination and happiness at last. The decorations are so many who promises to occlude the essence, and suggest the absence, as described by Freud in "The head of Medusa" (1940c), as a symbol of what is missing. It should be noted, combinatorics of the languages ​​of eroticism that act from the sound preference on. It can be combined so that one key to operate as a backbone structure, and other / s, as complementary or subordinates. 4 - Feelings. Freud referred to the language of emotions in "The Negation" (1925h). "[...] Put it in the language of the oldest instinctual impulses, ie oral [...]". Different emotions that correspond to each student, influence tonicity. Table I, Annex F, exemplifies some of this influence. 5 - Distances intersubjective. Apply knowledge of proxemics (which is an area of ​​semiotics), which refers to the spatial distances in which each is handled according to circumstances. Throughout the speech, two different spatialities are constructed in line with the underlying conditions that are dominating the field.

There are moments of closeness, of detachment, merger or separation. E.P.O.I.S. By the intensity of voice, body language accompanying the cathartic nature of the contents, usually produce numbness on the interlocutor. They "get inside the other," as if an introduction of two bodies. When listened to, give the impression that its contents "fall like a bomb" (Liberman). They have a unique type of violence that has to do with the intrusion into the interior. O1. In the schizoid, the prevailing public distance. Manti-nen distance and need to raise your voice to be heard. Oca-sionalmentesurgenlos gritosolamediatizacióndelos devices. O2. In the depression is an intimate distance, skin to skin, in which the links are with whispers. Require the physical presence of proximal tactile and thermal records. A1. The paranoia and perversion, have a go-tions combinatorial distances. Depend at all times who the addressees and intentionality to keep with it. At first for the seduction of the victim, and regulating the distance is the same as the characteristics of the latter. In the second stage, which is to commit the transgression, there is a rapprochement. The third time is the flight impulse.

A2. The obsessive, ritualistic part of a movement in public or in private. The voice of the ritual, is usually higher than that of one who prays in private. The recipient may or may not present and no other recipient, witness of everything, which is the final recipient. FU. The phobic regulates the distance between the minimum and maximum points. The minimum point is given by the skin and the maximum can be regulated by the look. The intermediate distance is determined by the outstretched arm, which is where you can manipulate the other, which coincides with the distance to the best of breath, or urine away from the male. FG. In hysteria there is a double distance. Public and intimate at the same time. Public speaking, where there is a maximum, with an insinuating voice typical of intimate spaces. 6-verbal style. Said Don Liberman, (1970), that style is a code that gives options to the issuer. EPOIS Intrusive style to the other party, without communicating discharge occurs. It is accompanied by pleasure, the greater the tension and to get more pleasure to be increased tension. There is also a threat of displeasure if the demand increases.

O1. Reflective style. Creates around him an atmosphere of curiosity, for unknowns. Supposed to be an object of curiosity despo-jada outside of affection. O2. Lyrical style. High emotional involvement, strengthening of emotions, mood swings. They have little distance between what they say themselves, and are now included in his words. In their eagerness to "bite" and "swallow" words. A1. Epic style. Impact and transform messages in inoculations, involving the listener in the story. Produce confusion, are tense and depressed. A2. Narrative style. Are logical and describe what happens, co-mosifuera an announcer, meticulous, retailers ordered. FU. Dramatic style that creates suspense. It is fleeting, fearful, inhibited by anxiety. FG .. Dramatic style, which creates poetic aesthetic impact, redundant, hyperbolic and demonstrative and expressive richness. The richness of the narrative is fascinating effect. 7 - Kinetic Styles: This involves the organization of each style gestures associated with each eroticism, the representation of speech articulation, phonology and motor, Freud (1920g), Liberman (1970), Veron and Sluzky (1970). E.P.O.I.S. Motor driven by the increased tension, which guides the goal. Conduct accounting reality shock to stun (accident, hitting, fighting). O1. Style reflexive motor activity in the service of abstract thinking.

The spatial shift, try to link re-presentations, Freud (1895). O2. Lyrical style. The gestures attributed formulations about affective states own or partner. A1. Epic style. Induce another "to do". It takes a bit of action for further development, therefore, a chain of signifiers. A2. Narrative style. Every gesture appears isolated from a project, sacred, and try to change reality through magic (rituals, which emphasizes the omnipotence of the word. Decomposition involved hope for a miracle). FU. Style of suspense, the gesture refers to the approaches and departures, penetration, attempt to influence the state of another without being changed symmetrically. FG. Poetic style, is a cosmetic gesture, with one argument, an author and a public program. 8-holophrase. It is the indiscriminate effect of a merger (voice, words, contradictions, ideals, feelings). There is a displacement of endowments from various locations and generating a new product. Another type of condensation, there is discrimination between terms (as in sleep) and has the value of a replacement costume. In the previous unit holophrase there is diversity, and is normal in the constitution of the psyche. Are condensations of this nature, the navel of the dream, Freud (1900a), the words that bring antithetical terms, Freud (1910e), the concept poop - penis - child who is older than the discrimination that occurs in the preconscious, Freud (1918b.192og).

Correspond to the narcissistic pathology and each has its singularidaes eroticism. E.P.O.I.S. It manifests the cathartic scream with pain without identification. Holofrásticas also be considered, the art forms that are not word-tions as they articulate productions circuits, lights, sounds (waves and frequencies). O1. Mathematical formulas that summarize all neologisms, hallucinations who meet indiscriminate thoughts. Art forms such as rock festivals, which gather music, fumes, lights, linked to essences. O2. Expressed in the breeze, and the arts that express the transient such as culinary arts or gardening A1. The cry insulting word howling and act. In the arts, the corollary to this might be the perfumística eroticism. 9 - proverbs, idioms and verbs. So try and joint-tape their three indicators. Verbs EPOIS activity linked to the number, price, add, subtract, draw percentages, calculating interest. Adjectives like "expensive", "cheap". Nouns of numeric type. Temporal adverbs settlements related to accounting and banking space settlements in territories. O1. The speech highlights that make the qualitative verbs "to be" functional and can be of three types: Extractive ("extract", "suck", "consubstantiated"), cognitive ("know"), and spatial displacement.

Usually accompanied by the prefix "in" a-tive adjectives or adverbs in order to strip the reality of all vitality. The language is precise, with abstract nouns. O2. Verbs such as "love", "eat", "biting", "taste". A1. Involving action verbs such as "do", "move", "control", "look." sayings such as "eye for eye, tooth for tooth", "gain fishermen troubled waters." A2. Verbs are organized in order to "know", "knowledge has-cer," "give," "deliver", accompanied by ex-attenuators increased pressure, (not so much, not much) and in-fatizan sayings that the correction forms and objectivity. Are the transformation of desire to order and insulting. For example: "I'll dress me in haste slowly", "one swallow does not make a summer", "nothing unusual", "every little teacher with your booklet." The pleasure arise counteract breaker "either ... or". Abbreviations such as etc., which show disturbances rhetorical syntax, because excess transformations determine the loss of origin. The adjectives "no big deal," "is not as you say," apparently expressed a contrary virtue a vice, and others associated with the degradation, disorder, dirt disguised by the exaltation of charms, respect for the word and the exacerbation of lung critud. FU.

Verbs such as "promising", "will", "daring", "promising to do", "daring do", "having" (linked to the economic, cognitive or physical) with augmentative and attenuators that explain the inhibition of action before the anxiety it generates the first. Predominantly consisting of advice sayings of popular wisdom. Describe the future and not the outside as from the past incident and left, for example: "dog that barks does not bite," "the little squeeze that much covers", "which went to Seville, he lost his seat "FG. The word "promise" to increase that support the state of desire and idioms that involve body parts such as: "take a bad step," "screw it", "not to feel lust for life ',' every who knows where the shoe pinches. " E. The last but not least. I turn to my partner. I tried to think of a new spiral of knowledge around, so that these ideas of mine who went before others, can also be yours. I hope that our exchange is a learning task. I have confidence that once you have read, questioned and discussed this content, you can rebuild according to their alternatives and projects, making their own history.

In order to carry them out if any matches, to discuss and share their differences and oppositions views then opening a dialogue ... F-Summary. This paper examines the possibility of a listener's speech focused learners. They have multiple ways of expressing their eroticism. The paper proposes a logic to assume the student from a few indicators that can be detected in this discourse, to subsequently propose a complementary approach by the teacher. To listen necessary instruments supported by theories, greater degree of sophistication which protects the mind of the teacher and thus also of the learner. It is a more detailed proposal to prevent didactopatogénica action. G-BIBLIOGRAPHY Abraham, K. (1924) "A short survey of the development of the libido to Laluz of mental disorders" Rev. of PsicoanálisisV.2 N2. Alberti 1945, A, and others. Authoritarianism in school. Barcelona.Fontanella. José Cukier 1970. -1986. "Education and the school. Malestarde One way our culture." Internal progress XVlCon-APA. 1986. p.169 -1987. "The didactogenia." XVI Symposium XXVI Congress Internoy APA. Psychoanalysis andthe Contemporary Society. "Tl p.95. 1987 -1989." Didactogenia Pathology. "

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