Thursday, August 2, 2012

The year's most beautiful time

By Alejandro Rutto

Indicate the calendar pages start unequivocal April, a month adorable and engaging than the sun, always bright and sunny Caribbean, will guide our steps along the winding roads of life. He spent the first week of this, one of the most beautiful periods of the year and we are ready to welcome with open arms and open heart, the days that come wrapped in the gift of this colorful season.

Begins in April, with its flowers open before the eyes of wonder for children and the slow and tired of the elderly.

Start your day in April to draw the future with the brush of watercolors dreams and noble sentiment born in the remote depths of the heart where love begins to take to settle in the sincere expression of our eyes, in charge of talking We doubt obvious or hidden truths.

We are in April and enjoy their time for learning and entrepreneurship. To think and decide, to love being loved, to say I love the child whose life is our life planted in another featured a return to do to convince us that the universe and God still trust us.

April has started with his opportunity as beautiful, unique and unrepeatable probably see ourselves in the other. In that one leading from here to there a part of ourselves.

April weather are not offered splendid moments to admire the row of wrinkles, wisdom and gentle face of the elderly in whom we see the memory of our Fathers. This time we will also provide proximity to human beings of flesh and blood, as body and soul, in whom we discover the infinite horizon and transparent and brotherhood.

And, of course, we can see is also a live forum touching our ears. April's landscape will help us to perceive the word tender of a child trying to say that it also exists in this world of laughter and tears and his delicate little voice in your music and find angel eyes reflected the image of our own children.

Look at the sky Ileana beautifully painted the sky blue and related to eternity, I looked at the trees go when creating the universe reflected in at least wearing green branches, their abundance and bundled off their nests full of life .

If you are able to marvel not hesitate, you are a citizen here and now. So give me your hand and squeeze mine. Participate together in April, a month's wonderful that God treats us to enjoy the miracle of life.

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