Thursday, August 9, 2012

"A mockery of Aladdin"

ALADDIN a mockery! Last Monday the way to Congress in Valparaiso, the building where hedoniza therefore, that simple, I looked at him sideways, into the global landscape, made up of a enormity of street vendors, illegal, which leaves daily, spread like magic carpets on the floor, offering a cuantuay pedestrians from Monday morning, or zero success. And I promised to write from their distress. Today with these drafts Transmin you, I watch and take mental note ... Of course, they, potential customers, "pass without looking? would say "Chino? Urquidi singer of the sixties, are still to catch up with the Internet, not to get back to the sticks, blessing, on how to rebuild the clandestine departure on Friday in the rotation for the child studies in Timbuktu, and on top will you be watching the street bazaars? ... Turning to him, the last ride in a taxi, and the first was when he pushed one en panne, and the driver directing it appreciated the gesture. Cree kani-kama that is also a Muslim leader, and a relative of Obama, not substitute for the crab.

In this respect, a cashier's leader sitting next to me where they tasted a green salad with this "invention of gourmet?, More mushrooms, he said ---" the mushroom locations, but such things as exquisite Rojitas see them go by the Fund, but I can not buy them, would be a luxury, but they are rich ... --- "Meditating on that, and my pileup was parked on a distant hillside to avoid paying the parking meter is that I start to fix on what sells this Aladdin made in "Uruguay with Columbus? : Obsoletísimo phone charger, a set of "GO?, Japanese with his board broken, probably picked up a trash can in some dreamy owner of Sushi, and with fewer parts, so it looks like incomplete dentition seller, a retired kingfish, which never had more than one thousand dollars in coins in his guatita more tickets micro contraceptive pill and some forgotten, a battery powered radio does not work and whose dial needle and its original owner, is were "stuck? Radio Festival in listening to the "Festivalazo?, brand shoes Calpany bus, imprecise number more worn than if their" usante?, a bus as well, had gone around the world with them, and to follow.

Is that Valparaiso, timidly beginning to get your nose in the window of the crisis, and not surprising if not leave room for those who still wonder of others, the latter word is used for secular purposes but not everyday. That bah!, The neighbor does not exist, and what sells in this case does not serve me, without even guessing that Aladdin Bazaar is an irony implicit message of the Devil even to redeem us, and thicken the army of fallen angels, as showing us that the battle is lost, if he existed and its counterpart goes "mushroom? which is otherwise unfair" distribution of income? .... However, all is not as Monday, two things, type mathematical formula ... The one at the exit of the building, where both are "suffering?, A collector of Hogar de Cristo, approaching an MP and reminds you of your "mite? monthly, and that good has placed you tell when they see ,-----" if not run in vain would have gone to his office ?-----, and this and that, to remind the end that one percent which is registered every 30 days, and he tells ..----" check is done, go up and removed my Secretary ?----- journalistic approach and when the recorder noteworthy as a note almost hit me with his eyes, to finish on the floor with a: ..---¡¡¡ but it's going to publish it .... ?------" Your left hand does not know what the right! ?-----... That simple, and I almost headlong into the solid structure of a pillar of the pervasive congressional structure, designed by Modesto Collado, not because of the shame that I had, but it because there still in this fauna "hedonist? a "copy? like that, and from afar, I guess an aura around him ... not saying stating that he is, which party member, which takes place in the House that likes football club and has attended many sessions there ... let's leave no more, and ....

two ... I get this morning by the mail, a beautiful "chain? as 100 photos showing how beautiful they are ... the chrysanthemums in Germany as I can throw out the spam, virus and not because they bring, but because the virus is here, and these mums are not the antibody, if not simply a joke .... a mere mockery of Aladdin!.

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