Saturday, August 4, 2012

In The Tarot - The Death card

Undoubtedly, the idea of ​​Death often causes fear of humans. But we must understand that the symbolism of the tarot cards are not necessarily related to the death of a person. All arcane, whether major or minor, are extremely spiritual interpretation, speak of the soul and feelings rather than facts. With the secret number XIII, it is well specified. When this deck appears, who usually see grimaces of fear. You need to understand the precise meaning of this letter to attribute the sense that actually deserves.

For this card we see a noble, a knight in armor, a warrior, advancing with his spirited horse. It will not gallop, but the animal walks gracefully wielding all its beauty and its power. There is a new order, no doubt. As the old adage: "A king is dead, long live the king." Therefore, the best way to interpret this letter is like the transformation. In theological terms, death is not the end but it is the passage from physical life to spiritual life. Believers do not really die, they await the moment of reckoning, when the final resurrection will occur.

The only reason a person laying the transformation can be seen as tragic, his exaggerated attachment to the things of the past. Transformation is a good thing, it allows us to evolve from a primitive state to a more advanced state. We should always think that everything happens for a reason. And while the timing of the transformation is living with pain or toil, once we're past the initial feeling of loss, we will be a great lesson, which is what we dedinitiva capitalize.

Fighting Death has no meaning, only worse. You will need to accept change and let things take their natural course. Just as a new conqueror occupies the land, makes no sense to revere the previous king. There is a new sovereign, and it is that you should keep all the honors. As revealed in this deck out the tarot tells the client to be prepared for a new stage in your life, where few things will remain unchanged. By taking this opportunity for change depends on the wisdom of each.

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