Friday, August 3, 2012

Adopted Dog Food

Feeding your new friend is extremely important. It is convenient to start feeding your dog with the same diet that you have had and if it is altered, the change must be gradual.

As the puppy grows quickly needed minerals, vitamins, proteins, etc.., Correct for the growth and loss of energy, the adult dog is much lower in protein requirements and, sometimes, an energy input also muchomenor.

Changing dog food, and any change in food in general, should be done gradually, mixing old food with increasing amounts of new food. Thus in 7 or 10 days old will be gradually replaced by a new food. Most dogs sinproblemas accept this change.

The lifestyle of the animal must be taken into account, a busy dog ​​need a power quite different from that of a household pet than just exercise.

Dog Obesity Obesity may be a common problem in dogs. To prevent it must comply with the quantities of food that our dogs are in relation to their age, size, amount of exercise, etc.. There must be no food or snacks between meals.

If your dog is already overweight, to help reduce and maintain weight dietasespeciales is low in calories, which shall be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Proper nutrition is exceptionally important in older animals. A low calorie diet can be helpful, because the energy requirements are often lower. The balance of protein and minerals is critical because excess lasprimeras and minerals such as salt and phosphorus, can harm the heart, liver and kidney. There are also special diets appropriate for

Feeding the dog should be racionalLa dog food must be rational, ie, appetizing, adequate for the food and equilibradaConviene will always be administered at the same times, preferably in the evening before one of his walks. As for the drink, the animal should be clean, fresh water constantly available.

Plantearte When feeding your dog thinks you are currently on the market you plan to study to meet their needs according to their size, age, activity, etc.., So we think you should buy this type of food and prepare you in home, as the result, if the feed is quality, you will notice in your dog's health in the long run.

Canned foods contain 75% water, so when you buy, every 100g, are paid 75 g of water.

Dry foods are much cheaper per unit energy and are also healthier for the animal's teeth, they help to clean teeth of tartar, and strengthens the gums naturally.

Since a high quality dry product usually has a high content of animal items, your dog will love this product as a product both enlatado.Además, an open bag of dry food is easier to maintain.

They have the advantage of convenience foods are balanced in protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. They are very complete and good digestive favor.

When choosing a good think you have to know how to interpret the list of ingredients

The higher the content of a particular ingredient, the higher will be the place it occupies in the list. For example, animal proteins are better suited and digested better than those of plant origin.

The same applies to fats (poultry fat has a higher digestive properties).

In short, the greater the number of components of animal origin and the higher the place they occupy in the list of ingredients, the better the quality of food.

The amount of feed to be administered to your pet depends on the quality, ie high quality feed are usually more expensive, but being the highest energy value, the ration will be lower, which tend to be even cheaper. Within each brand there are specific to the needs of dog, puppy, young adult, very physically demanding, obese, old ...

It may be dry or wetted with a little water. If the dog does not eat right can be mixed with a tablespoon or two of meat pot to make it more palatable.

Whenever the animal feed should have a good supply of water, which must be maintained at all times fresh and clean.

The dog you have adopted is used to this type of food.

Dog food

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